Sunday, February 13, 2011

IRP Blog Post 1a

Part One
Chapter 1

-John- A student watching the tour of the human factory.
-Director- Giving the tour and describes how great this factory is for making an ideal world.
-Mr. Foster- Intelligent man with many questions at the hatchery

Events and Places:
-Central London Hatchery and Conditioning Centre- Place where babies are made so society can utilize them with the characteristics they like.
-World State- Name for their “perfect society”

-Splitting/duplicating embryos- a sign that many people lack individualism and human element is lost
-Comparing replicating humans to animals (15).

Themes and Ideas:
-“Bokanovsky’s Process is one of the major instruments of social stability.” (Huxley 7)
-Accepting the norm

Connections and Questions:
-1984 was very similar because human individualism was minimized and a classless society was being forced to form
-How long will it be until John speaks against the “World State?”
-Will John die fighting or create a change in society?

Here is an article about why North Korea is such a backwards nation. While reading Brave New World, it sounded a lot like social injustices in North Korea.

"Hot tunnels alternated with cool tunnels. Coolness was wedded to discomfort in the form of hard x-rays."
This is a very descriptive passage.

1 comment:

  1. This seems like a interesting book. I wonder what jounery your character will take. Since a theme is accepting the norm, do they not accept it now?
