Friday, February 25, 2011

IRP Blog Post 2c


It seems like throughout the book and mainly in this section, the task of government has been to maximize efficiency and disregard any actions that are detrimental to social aspects. The government and class order seems to be the number one priority. As the people keep repeating in the novel, "Cleanliness is next to fordliness."

As mentioned in this online article by "The Guardian," North Korea has been failing to meet growth targets due to the harsh laws set forth on the people. When an entire government tries to put too much emphasis in conformity and serving the country, efficiency quickly falls.

IRP Blog Post 2b


A huge use of symbolism by Aldous Huxley was the use of soma (an alcoholic beverage). Soma, as other alcoholic drinks do, alter ones way of thinking and perception of the life around them. Bernard drank soma only before having sex with Lenina, something he did not at all want to do but what was acceptable by society's standards. Soma, like the government, has been forcing people to make irrational decisions so far in the book.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

IRP Blog Post 2a

Part Two
Chapters 5-6

-Lenina- worker at the Hatchery, in the helicopter
-Henry- “with” Lenina, in the helicopter ride also
-Bernard- awkward tension with Lenina “She looked at Bernard with an expression of rapture, but of rapture in which there was no trace of agitation or excitement.” (85) He later has sex with Lenina but only after getting drunk. He wants to act more “mature.”

Events and Places:
-Helicopter ride over cremated bodies
-Giant orgy
-Wrestling match
-Lenina and Bernard get “freaky”

-Phosphorous recovery- cremated people are used to make plants grow, this shows the dropout of religion and treating bodies reverently
-Orgy- shows a lacking of respect for unity and morales
-Ford- They keep mentioning Ford because of his immense power

Themes and Ideas:
-A growing feeling for rebelling (especially Bernard now)
-Fitting in
-Releasing your wills and inhibitions
-Good vs. Evil

Connections and Questions:
-How many people are going to eventually revolt?
-Will Lenina and Bernard’s love affair somehow continue throughout the novel?

The people are seeming to really let go of themselves and just go with society’s norms. I feel like even in the United States today that kids are viewing sex as being less sacred and more of a recreational activity. While this book is a little extreme, it somewhat does predict this changing belief.
[Link about changing views for sex]

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Role: Alberto [2]
Audience: You [4]
Format: 5 Tweets [4]
Topic: Chile [3]

@matusjohn The bike is looking sexy as ever and ready to kick off this trip! Can't wait to just leave and feel free! #livingfree
@matusjohn Seeing an old friend from my university. Wish you were here to eat this steak with us! #yum
@matusjohn Messed up bike NF. Full stomach with meat.. Yesss
@matusjohn More meat!!! Leaving tomorrow can't wait to get going again!
@matusjohn Leaving chile! wish you were here to constantly fix my bike #funfunfun

Monday, February 14, 2011

IRP Blog Post 1c

Part One
Chapter 3-4

-Crying boy- Doesn’t like playing a game in the nude with kids his age, finds it too erotic so he’s disciplined
-Babies- Get shocked when they approaching books and flowers so they know not to like them
-Director- Keeps giving a tour, he gets interrupted by crying boys

Events and Places:
-Central London Hatchery and Conditioning Centre- Place where babies are made so society can utilize them with the characteristics they like. Babies are trained
-World State- Name for their “perfect society”

-Technology used to control masses
-Family terms are considered “pornographic”
-Balance between happiness and truth

Themes and Ideas:
-Propaganda (through technology)
-Accepting the norm
-Language barriers
-Teaching elementary kids about sex

Connections and Questions:
-Was this book written at a time of conformity?
-How can anyone believe this suppression would work? (North Korea)

Technology is playing such a crucial role in containing people in Brave New World. Also, we see people in Egypt having their revolution with technology playing such a crucial role.

IRP Blog Post 1b

Part One
Chapter 2

-John- A student watching the tour of the human factory.
-Babies- Get shocked when they approaching books and flowers so they know not to like them
-Director- Tells a story about a polish man, Reuben.

Events and Places:
-Central London Hatchery and Conditioning Centre- Place where babies are made so society can utilize them with the characteristics they like. Babies are trained
-World State- Name for their “perfect society”

-Early hatred through shocking
-Family terms are considered “pornographic”

Themes and Ideas:
-Accepting the norm
-Language barriers
-Teaching elementary kids about sex

Connections and Questions:
-How long will it be until John snaps and breaks into action?

There is a lot of talk of when a school district should start talking about sex with kids. Of course elementary school is too young to have full-on lessons but when should they teach it?

Sunday, February 13, 2011

IRP Blog Post 1a

Part One
Chapter 1

-John- A student watching the tour of the human factory.
-Director- Giving the tour and describes how great this factory is for making an ideal world.
-Mr. Foster- Intelligent man with many questions at the hatchery

Events and Places:
-Central London Hatchery and Conditioning Centre- Place where babies are made so society can utilize them with the characteristics they like.
-World State- Name for their “perfect society”

-Splitting/duplicating embryos- a sign that many people lack individualism and human element is lost
-Comparing replicating humans to animals (15).

Themes and Ideas:
-“Bokanovsky’s Process is one of the major instruments of social stability.” (Huxley 7)
-Accepting the norm

Connections and Questions:
-1984 was very similar because human individualism was minimized and a classless society was being forced to form
-How long will it be until John speaks against the “World State?”
-Will John die fighting or create a change in society?

Here is an article about why North Korea is such a backwards nation. While reading Brave New World, it sounded a lot like social injustices in North Korea.

"Hot tunnels alternated with cool tunnels. Coolness was wedded to discomfort in the form of hard x-rays."
This is a very descriptive passage.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Thursday, February 3, 2011

180 Degrees South Reflection

"The best journeys answer questions that in the beginning you didn't even think to answer."

Journeys should be about doing unexpected events and not knowing where they take you. When doing so, the questions one may think will be answered, are fulfilled with many other others. Doug and Yvan were on a quest to travel the unknown and while they probably thought in the beginning that they knew what would happen, they were lead on a trip unexpected and wild. While I think I know what college and the rest of my life will look like, I will never be truly positive until I experience it.