Monday, February 14, 2011

IRP Blog Post 1c

Part One
Chapter 3-4

-Crying boy- Doesn’t like playing a game in the nude with kids his age, finds it too erotic so he’s disciplined
-Babies- Get shocked when they approaching books and flowers so they know not to like them
-Director- Keeps giving a tour, he gets interrupted by crying boys

Events and Places:
-Central London Hatchery and Conditioning Centre- Place where babies are made so society can utilize them with the characteristics they like. Babies are trained
-World State- Name for their “perfect society”

-Technology used to control masses
-Family terms are considered “pornographic”
-Balance between happiness and truth

Themes and Ideas:
-Propaganda (through technology)
-Accepting the norm
-Language barriers
-Teaching elementary kids about sex

Connections and Questions:
-Was this book written at a time of conformity?
-How can anyone believe this suppression would work? (North Korea)

Technology is playing such a crucial role in containing people in Brave New World. Also, we see people in Egypt having their revolution with technology playing such a crucial role.

1 comment:

  1. The book seems interesting. The book seems political and religiously family related.
