Sunday, November 28, 2010

IR Blog Post 1- ESPN

Sports- ESPN

Plaxico Burress' agent upbeat for 2011

Fact Check:
1) Burress went to prison in September 2009 for violating New York's gun laws and was expected to serve 20 months with credit for good behavior.
2) Burress comes up for potential full release on June 6, 2011, but also will be on probation for two years.
3) In an incident in the fall of 2008, Burress accidentally shot himself in the thigh at a Manhattan nightclub with a gun that had not been licensed in New York.

1) Has Plaxico been training and working out in jail?
2) What two teams have been contacting him? Giants?

Extra Details:
Burress' statistics show the caliber of a player he once was. Burress can be a steal for a team wanting to get a solid receiver averaging 15 yards per catch. Many people are saying that he might be able to rebound like Michael Vick has but it may be harder for a wide receiver to get back in shape.

Terms Or People To Know:
Drew Rosenhaus- NFL agent trying to get Plaxico a team to sign with

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