Sunday, November 28, 2010

IR Blog Post 1- FoxNews

Current Events-FoxNews

North Korea Deploys Missiles Near Yellow Sea Border

Fact Check:
1) North Korea has deployed surface-to-air missiles near the Yellow Sea border.
2) North Korea is preparing to fire the Soviet-made missiles.
3) Eight months ago, a South Korean warship went down in the western waters, killing 46 sailors.

1) Will China decide to fight with or aid South Korea, stay neutral, or aid North Korea?
2) What does Obama want to do in response to North Korea's actions?

Supportive Opinion:
McCain talks about how China is a key factor in these war games and how they should have been harsher to rogue North Korea. I completely agree that China has the power to bring North Korea "to its knees" as McCain said through economic sanctions.

Terms Or People To Know:
Wu Dawei- Chinese Vice Foreign Minister

1 comment:

  1. How will this war affect with rest of the world. I heard that this might cause a WWIII, which would mean that the United States would probably get involved. Which could put our lives in danger.
