Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Gatsby & the Narrator

I am the Narrator from Invisible Man, and I want to be a real man. I want to be an acting citizen in my community, nation, and world. I want people to look at me as if my skin was the same as theirs. People will want to hear my voice and listen to my opinions. I will have the power to improve the community’s standards for all.

I am Jay Gatsby from The Great Gatsby, and I want to be loved. Daisy is the love of my life and I want to spend the rest of my life with her. I tried to win her love with materialistic items but it all crumbled down. I should have just told her the truth from the beginning. I need to be more honest.

Both of these two main characters needed to be more honest to themselves and others. Society transformed both of these people into something that they are not. The main difference is that the Narrator was being forced to act in different ways because it was the way of African-American lives back then. Gatsby did it to impress a girl.


  1. hahaha I enjoyed reading your post John. I especially liked how you made it sound like it was in first person. I have to say, I agree with the things that you wrote and I also agree with your last paragraph.

  2. I like how literally you took this blog post. It was like I was actually reading what the characters were thinking...haahaa
    I agree with everything you wrote and I think that you are quite creative old sport.

  3. Your closing paragraph (or few sentences) is key! Good call saying that society changed both of them. But John, who would they be with out society and how would they have answered the questions differently then?

  4. It's true that the Narrator did want to improve the world community, but at the end I think he lost sight of that and just wanted to run away because he realized that people had differing views from him.
