Friday, December 31, 2010

IR Blog Post 4- ESPN

Sports- ESPN

LeBron James: No regrets about '10

Fact Check:
1) LeBron James said, "It absolutely was a good year."
2) James lost to the Celtics in the NBA east championship series (many say he bailed on his team on purpose) and carried out "The Decision" in 2010 where he told a national audience that he wasn't returning to Cleveland.
3) The Miami Heat and James won 16 of their last 17 games; the Heat will have a 25-9 record going into 2011 after starting a poor 9-8.

1) Did LeBron's agent tell him to have "The Decison?"
2) Can anyone stop the Heat right now??

Extra Details:
LeBron may not have made the smartest decision to air "The Decision" but you cannot solely blame him for the Celtics collapse in the playoffs last year. Even "The Decision" was not as bad as some people make it out to be. He had every right to leave Cleveland but some people make it out to be as if he was made to be there forever.

Terms To Know:
Akron- A relatively large city where LeBron still calls home in Ohio.


  1. I agree that he shouldn't have had that stupid TV airing of his decision, but that it was his choice to leave Cleveland and anyone that is mad at him is just mad because their team doesn't have any good players on it anymore. I think the Celtics can stop the Heat in the playoffs again. It'll be a good series.

  2. No, if anybody in the East can beat the Heat, it's the Magic. The Celtics are getting way too old to win another ring.
