Thursday, February 3, 2011

180 Degrees South Reflection

"The best journeys answer questions that in the beginning you didn't even think to answer."

Journeys should be about doing unexpected events and not knowing where they take you. When doing so, the questions one may think will be answered, are fulfilled with many other others. Doug and Yvan were on a quest to travel the unknown and while they probably thought in the beginning that they knew what would happen, they were lead on a trip unexpected and wild. While I think I know what college and the rest of my life will look like, I will never be truly positive until I experience it.


  1. I was going to answer this question, but then i used my better judgement...But yes i agree, you should learn things along the way, thats what makes life exciting.

  2. I agree. With out truly experiencing it, there is no way of knowing what it will be like and what obstacles you will encounter on the way.

  3. I agree that traveling into the unknown is exciting, and that although we may think we know what we will be doing in the future, we never truly know what will happen until it does.

  4. Wow John! Did you come up with that quote yourself???
    But yes I agree with you. I highly doubt that in the beginning of Doug and Yvan's journeys they would ever see themselves owning two huge companies or making such a difference in South America.
