Thursday, December 2, 2010

IR Blog Post 2- Billboard 100

Arts- Billboard 100

Britney Spears' New Album Coming in March 2011

Fact Check:
1) Spears' March 2011 release will be her first since 2008's "Circus."
2) Britney Spears celebrated her 29th birthday today (Dec. 2) with this announcement.
3) The album "Circus" debuted at No. 1 on the Billboard 200 albums chart, marking her fifth chart-topping set.

1) Will her new album be as successful as her last one, Circus?
2) What has she been up to since her last album?

Extra Details:
This news article also hypes the new album and states her past success. While Britney is getting older, it's amazing to hear that she is only 29. All the early hype for this CD already makes me feel like it will be disappointing.

Terms To Know:


  1. oh my gosh! I love Britney :) I'm so glad to hear that she's coming back. Hopefully her album is successful as well! I also wonder how she has been. Also I can't really believe how she's 29. She seems more mature...hmm!

  2. I had no clue that Britney was coming out with a new album. I liked her old CDs when I was little and I still like her old songs better than her new ones, they are so catchy. I wonder if I will like her new album because I didn't really like Circus.
