Thursday, December 16, 2010

IR Blog Post 3- FoxNews

Current Issues- FoxNews

Grenada churches lament Christmas Eve reggae show

Fact Check:
1) The Grenada Conference of Churches condemns an event promoter to host the Dec. 24 show featuring various stars of Jamaican "dancehall."
2) The Grenada Conference of Churches feels as if it's an embarrassment to Christianity.
3) The group publicly came out to speak against the event on Thursday.

1) What authority does this organization have?
2) Is there a leader behind the event?

Extra Details:
While I'm all for saying "Merry Christmas" and all that, I don't see a huge signifance in this story. Maybe it's just that it's outside of the US so I don't care.

Terms To Know:
Grenada- Island country, very Christian


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I think it's good for religious music to branch out a little bit, and I don't think it's that big a deal that a church is playing less classical music.
